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Double-Coated Dog Grooming with Wooly-Coated Siberian Huskies

Double-Coated Dog Grooming with Wooly-Coated Siberian Huskies

Grooming Double-coated Dogs

What Exactly is a Dog’s Undercoat?

What is a Dog’s Top Coat?

What is a Wooly-coated Siberian Husky?

Wooly-Coated Siberian Husky Grooming Requirements

Slicker Brush

Undercoat Rake

Why Shaving Your Double-Coated Dog is Usually a Bad Idea

Double-coated Dog Grooming Summary


Grooming Double-coated Dogs

Grooming double-coated dogs requires attention to their unique coat characteristics and specific grooming techniques! Here are some tips for grooming double-coated dogs:

  1. Regular Brushing: Double-coated breeds typically have a dense undercoat and a longer outer coat. Regular brushing is crucial to prevent matting, remove loose hair, and keep the coat healthy. Use a combination of a slicker brush and an undercoat rake or shedding tool to effectively remove dead hair while avoiding damage to the topcoat.


Regular grooming with a brush or comb will help keep your pet's hair in good condition by removing dirt, spreading natural oils throughout her coat, preventing tangles and keeping her skin clean and irritant-free.


ASPCA. Dog Grooming Tips.


  1. Pay Attention to the Undercoat: The undercoat can become thick and prone to matting if not properly maintained. Use an undercoat rake or another de-shedding tool to reach through the topcoat and remove loose hair from the undercoat. This helps prevent excessive shedding and keeps the coat healthier overall.


  1. Be Mindful of Seasonal Shedding: Double-coated breeds typically "blow" their coat, or shed excessively, during seasonal changes. Increase the frequency of brushing during these times to keep loose hair under control. Regular brushing can also help minimize shedding around the house.


  1. Avoid Shaving: Double-coated dogs have a protective topcoat that protects them from heat and cold. Shaving their coat can disrupt their natural body temperature regulation and sun protection. Instead, use regular brushing and appropriate coat-thinning tools to manage the coat's thickness.


  1. Bathing: Double-coated dogs generally don’t require frequent baths, as their coat naturally repels dirt and moisture. However, when bathing is necessary, use a dog-specific shampoo designed for their coat type. Ensure the coat is thoroughly dry after bathing to avoid trapping moisture too close to the skin, which can lead to skin issues.


  1. Professional Grooming: Some double-coated breeds may benefit from professional grooming services, especially for specific needs such as coat stripping or trimming. Consult with a professional groomer familiar with double-coated breeds to determine the appropriate grooming techniques and maintenance schedule for your dog.

Each dog breed has specific grooming requirements, so it's important to research and understand your particular breed's needs. Regular grooming sessions offer an opportunity to bond with your dog, keeping their coat both healthy and looking its best.


What Exactly is a Dog’s Undercoat?

The undercoat of a double-coated dog refers to the dense, soft, and insulating layer of fur found beneath the outer coat. This acts as a natural barrier against the elements, helping to regulate body temperature and provide insulation.


The undercoat helps double-coated dogs adapt to varying weather conditions. In colder weather, it provides insulation by trapping warm air close to the body, while in warmer weather, it can help regulate body temperature by providing airflow and preventing overheating.



The undercoat is typically thicker and more abundant than the outer coat. It consists of fine, shorter hairs that grow closer to the skin. This dense undercoat provides warmth, protection, and buoyancy to the dog.



Double-coated breeds have a cyclical shedding pattern. They typically shed their undercoat seasonally, often known as "blowing coat." This shedding process usually occurs in spring and fall as the dog prepares for the changing seasons. Regular brushing during these times helps to remove the loose hair and prevent matting.


Grooming and Maintenance:

Proper undercoat grooming is essential to prevent matting, maintain coat health, and promote healthy skin. Regular brushing with an undercoat rake or a de-shedding tool helps remove loose hairs and prevent them from becoming tangled, which can lead to matting.


However, it's important to avoid excessive brushing, as it can damage the coat and irritate the skin.

What is a Dog’s Top Coat?

The top coat of a double-coated dog breed refers to the longer, coarser, and weather-resistant outer layer of fur. It serves as a protective barrier for the dog's skin and the underlying undercoat. Here are some key points about the top coat:


The top coat in double-coated breeds helps shield the dog from external elements such as rain, snow, dirt, and UV rays. It acts as a water-repellent layer, providing insulation and protection for the undercoat and skin.


Texture and Thickness:

The top coat generally consists of longer guard hairs that are coarser and stiffer than the undercoat. The texture can vary depending on the breed but is often wiry, wavy, or straight. The top coat is usually less dense than the undercoat, allowing for better airflow and preventing matting.



Regular brushing helps to maintain the top coat, remove loose hairs, and reduce the risk of matting. Brushing also stimulates healthy hair growth and distributes natural oils, keeping the coat in good condition. Some double-coated breeds might require occasional hand-stripping or professional grooming for specific coat needs.


Sun Protection:

The top coat plays a role in shielding the skin from harmful UV rays. It offers another additional layer of protection against sunburn and helps prevent skin damage in sunny conditions. However, it's important to note that no coat alone can offer complete protection, and applying dog-safe sunscreen to exposed areas is advisable in intense sunlight.


Color and Variations:

The top coat can display various colors, patterns, and textures depending on the breed. Some top coats have distinct markings or color variations contributing to the breed's overall appearance.


What is a Wooly-coated Siberian Husky?

A wooly-coated Siberian Husky refers to a variation within the breed where the dog has a longer, denser, and softer topcoat than the standard coat seen in most Huskies. Here are some characteristics of a wooly-coated Siberian Husky:

Fur Texture:

The wooly coat is distinguished by its wool-like texture, which is softer and fluffier compared to the typical double coat of a Siberian Husky. The individual hairs are usually longer, finer, and more abundant.



The hair length in a wooly-coated Husky is generally longer, particularly in the ruff around the neck, the tail, and the back of the thighs. The coat may extend beyond the usual length seen in standard-coated Huskies.



The wooly coat tends to be denser and thicker than the standard coat. It often has a more substantial undercoat and a longer guard hair layer on top.



Wooly-coated Huskies can have a fuller and fluffier appearance due to the increased hair volume. The longer and denser coat gives them a distinct, "woolier" look.



The wooly coat requires diligent grooming to prevent matting and tangles. Regular brushing, particularly with a slicker brush and an undercoat rake, can help keep the coat in good condition, eliminate loose hair, and prevent discomfort for the dog.

The wooly coat variation in Siberian Huskies is primarily a cosmetic difference and does not affect the breed's temperament or working abilities. While accepted by many breed enthusiasts, the wooly coat is not considered a standard coat type by official breed standards.

Nonetheless, wooly-coated Huskies can be beautiful and unique companions for those who appreciate their distinct appearance!


Wooly-Coated Siberian Husky Grooming Requirements

The main difference in grooming between a wooly-coated Siberian Husky and a regular-coated Husky lies in the length and density of the coat. While both require regular grooming, the wooly coat demands more attention and care due to its longer and fluffier nature.

Wooly Coated Siberian Husky:


Wooly-coated Huskies need frequent brushing to prevent matting and remove loose hair. A slicker brush or an undercoat rake will be helpful to reach through the dense coat and remove tangles and dead hair.

Slicker Brush

A slicker brush is a grooming tool designed to remove loose fur, tangles, and mats from a dog's coat. It consists of fine, short wires packed closely together on a flat or slightly curved brush head. The brush's wires penetrate deep into the fur to remove debris, while also stimulating the skin and promoting blood circulation.


Slicker brushes are commonly used for dogs with medium to longer hair, as well as those with curly or wiry coats. Regular use of a slicker brush helps to keep a dog's coat clean, healthy, and tangle-free.

Undercoat Rake

An undercoat rake is a grooming tool specifically designed to remove the dense, soft undercoat of double-coated dog breeds. These breeds have a topcoat (guard hairs) and an undercoat that can be prone to shedding and matting.

An undercoat rake typically has a row of metal, rounded teeth or blades that reach beneath the topcoat to gently remove the loose and dead undercoat hairs without damaging the topcoat.

Using an undercoat rake helps to reduce shedding by removing the loose hairs that often become tangled and matted. It also promotes both healthy skin and air circulation to the coat.

Undercoat rakes are particularly useful during shedding seasons when dogs can experience excessive hair loss. It's important to use the rake carefully, not applying too much pressure to avoid causing discomfort or harming the dog's skin.


Mat Prevention:

Pay special attention to areas prone to matting, such as behind the ears, under the arms, and around the tail. Regular brushing prevents unwanted mats from forming and keeps the coat in good condition.



Bathing intervals depend on the dog's lifestyle, but generally, wooly-coated Huskies don't require frequent baths unless they get dirty. Use a gentle dog shampoo and thoroughly dry the coat after bathing to prevent moisture from being trapped close to the skin.


Professional Grooming:

Wooly-coated Huskies may benefit from occasional professional grooming to maintain coat health and manage the longer fur. Professional groomers can provide specialized grooming techniques, such as appropriate coat thinning or trimming, if necessary.

Why Shaving Your Double-Coated Dog is Usually a Bad Idea

Shaving a double-coated dog is generally considered a bad idea for several reasons. Double-coated breeds have a unique coat structure that helps regulate their body temperature and protects their skin from sunburn, insects, and other environmental elements. Here are a few reasons why shaving them is discouraged:

Disruption of natural insulation:

The double coat has a long, protective topcoat and a dense, insulating undercoat. This combination keeps the dog cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather. Shaving removes this natural insulation, making the dog more susceptible to temperature extremes.


Increased risk of sunburn:

The topcoat provides protection against harmful UV rays, acting as a shield for the dog's skin. Shaving removes this protection and exposes the skin, increasing the risk of sunburn and potential skin damage.


Altered regrowth:

Shaving can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle of double-coated breeds. The coat may not grow back properly, leaving the dog with uneven patches or a different fur texture.


Prolonged shedding:

While it may seem logical that shaving would reduce shedding, it can actually have the opposite effect. Shaved hair tends to grow back at different rates, leading to prolonged shedding periods and potential matting issues.


Skin irritation and sensitivity:

Double-coated breeds have sensitive skin, and shaving can cause skin irritations, rashes, and itching. Direct exposure to external elements can also increase the risk of skin allergies and infections.


Shaving your dog’s double coat isn’t recommended to keep him cool during the summer, but there are certain circumstances where it may be necessary. This can include preparation for surgery, removing matted hair, and aiding in canine skin disease treatments.


Merryfield Academy. Double Coat Do’s and Don’ts.

Double-coated Dog Grooming Summary

In summary, regular dog grooming is essential for maintaining cleanliness, preventing health issues, and fostering a strong bond with the pet. It promotes physical and mental well-being and ensures that the dog looks and feels their best.